Mirkes, J.; Zeile, P.; Neppl, M. (2018). Dorf Neu Denken. In M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei, & C. Beyer (Eds.), REAL CORP 2018: Proceedings/Tagungsband, pp 179–189. Wien.

Nuñez, J.; Teixeira, I.; Silva, A.; Zeile, P.; Dekoninck, L.; Botteldooren, D. (2018). The Influence of Noise, Vibration, Cycle Paths, and Period of Day on Stress Experienced by Cyclists. Sustainability 2018, 10, 2379. DOI:10.3390/su10072379.

Schlosser, F.; Zeile, P. (2018). Angsträume und Stressempfinden im urbanen Kontext. In REAL CORP 2018. Proceedings/Tagungsband; Schrenk, M., Popovich, V., Zeile, P., Elisei, P., Beyer, C., Navratil, G., Eds.; CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Plan. pp. 75–85. Wien.

Zeile, P.; Resch, B. (2018). Combining Biosensing Technology and Virtual Environments for Improved Urban Planning. giforum 2018, 1, pp. 344–357. DOI:10.1553/giscience2018_01_s344.

Zeile, P.; Resch, B. (2018). Emotionen für intelligente Städte: Die Urban Emotion Initiative als Beitrag zur digitalen Partizipation. Transforming cities: Die intelligente Stadt. pp. 49–53. Trialog Publishers: Baiersbronn. München.

Roberts, H., Resch, B., Sadler, J., Chapman, L. and Petutschnig, A. (2018). Investigating the Emotional Responses of Individuals to Urban Green Space Using Twitter Data: A Critical Comparison of Three Different Methods of Sentiment Analysis. Urban Planning, 3(1), pp. 21-33. DOI: http://dx.doi.org/10.17645/up.v3i1.1231.

Kounadi, O., & Resch, B. (2018). A Geoprivacy by Design Guideline for Research Campaigns that use Participatory Sensing Data. Journal of Empirical Research on Human Research Ethics, 13(3), pp. 203-222. DOI:10.1177/1556264618759877.

Kounadi, O., Resch, B., & Petutschnig, A. (2018). (accepted) Privacy Threats and Protection Recommendations for the Usage of Geosocial Network Data in Research. Social Sciences.


Zeile, P. (2017). Feel the City – Urban Emotions. In Bundesamt für Raumentwicklung, Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation (Hg.): Forum Raumentwicklung 02/2017. Bern. 2017.

Also in French and Italy!

Zeile, P. (2017). Urban Emotions and Realtime Planning Methods. In M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei, & C. Beyer (Eds.), REAL CORP 2017: Proceedings/Tagungsband, pp. 617–624. Wien.

Zeile, P. (2017). Echtzeitplanung – Dynamische Systeme in der Stadtplanung. In T. H. Kolbe, R. Bill, & A. Donaubauer (Eds.), Geoinformationssysteme 2017: Beiträge zur 4. Münchner GI-Runde (1st ed., pp. 78-89). Berlin: Wichmann, H; Wichmann Verlag.

Exner, J. P., & Zeile, P. (2017). Smart Sensoring – New approaches for user driven social urban acting. In K. Gakis & P. M. Pardalos (Eds.), Network design and optimization for smart cities (pp. 219-234, Series on computers and operations research, volume 8). [Hackensack] New Jersey: World Scientific.


Beyel, S., Wilhelm, J., Mueller, C., Zeile, P., & Klein, U. (2016). Stresstest städtischer Infrastrukturen – ein Experiment zur Wahrnehmung des Alters im öffentlichen Raum. In M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei, & C. Beyer (Eds.), REAL CORP 2016: Proceedings/Tagungsband, pp. 689–698. Wien.

Folz, S., Broschart, D., & Zeile, P. (2016). Raumerfassung und Raumwahrnehmung – aktuelle Techniken und potenzielle Einsatzgebiete in der Raumplanung. In M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei, & C. Beyer (Eds.), REAL CORP 2016: Proceedings/Tagungsband, pp. 541–550. Wien.

Groß, D., & Zeile, P. (2016). EmoCyclingConcept – Potenziale der emotionalen Stadtkartierung. In J. Strobl, B. Zagel, G. Griesebner, & T. Blaschke (Eds.), AGIT: Journal für Angewandte Geoinformatik, pp. 273–278, Vol. 2. Berlin, Offenbach: Wichmann Verlag.

Provo, L., Folz, S., Kopal, K. & Zeile, P. (2016). Track me if you plan – Aufzeichnung urbaner Aktivitätsmuster mittels Smartphonetracking. In M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P. Elisei, & C. Beyer (Eds.), REAL CORP 2016: Proceedings/Tagungsband, pp. 749–758. Wien.

Resch, B., Summa, A., Zeile, P., & Strube, M. (2016). Citizen-centric Urban Planning through Extracting Emotion Information from Twitter in an Interdisciplinary Space-Time-Linguistics Algorithm. In Urban Planning, (Vol. 1(2), pp. 114–127). Lissabon: Cogitatio Press.

Zeile, P., Resch, B., Loidl, M., Petutschnig, A., & Dörrzapf, L. (2016). Urban Emotions and Cycling Experience – enriching traffic planning for cyclists with human sensor data. In A. Car, T. Jekel, J. Strobl, & G. Griesebner (Eds.), GI_Forum 2016: Journal for Geographic Information Science (Vol. 1, pp. 204–216, Vol. 1). Wien: Verlag der Österreichischen Akademie der Wissenschaften.


Resch, B., Sudmanns, M., Sagl, G., Summa, A., Zeile, P. and Exner, J.-P. (2015) Crowdsourcing Physiological Conditions and Subjective Emotions by Coupling Technical and Human Mobile Sensors. GI_Forum – Journal for Geographic Information Science, 1-2015, pp. 514-524.

Resch, B. and Blaschke, T. (2015) Fusing Human and Technical Sensor Data: Concepts and Challenges. In: ACM SIGSPATIAL Newsletter, Special Issue on Geosensor Networks, 7(2), pp. 29-35.

Exner, J. P., Broschart, D., Steffen, D., Zeile, P., Schächinger, H. (2015). SensorMapRT – a System for Real-Time Acquisition, Visualization und Analysis of Mobile Sensor Data in an Urban Context

Zeile, P., Resch, B., Exner, J. P., & Sagl, G.: Urban Emotions: Benefits and Risks in Using Human Sensory Assessment for the Extraction of Contextual Emotion Information in Urban Planning. In S. Geertman, J. Ferreira, R. Godspeed, & J. Stillwell (Eds.), Planning Support Systems & Smart Cities (pp. 209-225, Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography): Springer International Publishing.

Resch, B., Summa, A., Sagl, G., Zeile, P., & Exner, J. P.: Urban Emotions—Geo-Semantic Emotion Extraction from Technical Sensors, Human Sensors and Crowdsourced Data. In G. Gartner & H. Huang (Eds.), Progress in Location-Based Services 2014 (Lecture Notes in Geoinformation and Cartography). Berlin: Springer International Publishing. pp. 199-212

Zeile, P., Resch, B., Dörrzapf, L., Exner, J. P., Sagl, G., Summa, A., et al.: Urban Emotions – Tools of Integrating People’s Perception into Urban Planning. In M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P.Elisei, & C. Beyer (Eds.), REAL CORP 2015: Proceedings/Tagungsband. Wien, Ghent: CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning. pp. 907-914.

Wilhelm, J., Broschart, D., Zeile, P.: Emovision – Potenziale von Emomapping für die räumliche Planung. In M. Schrenk, V. Popovich, P. Zeile, P., Elisei, & C. Beyer (Eds.), REAL CORP 2015: Proceedings/Tagungsband, Wien, Ghent: CORP – Competence Center of Urban and Regional Planning. pp. 261-270.

Dörrzapf, L., Zeile, P., Sagl, G., Sudmanns, M., Summa, A., & Resch, B.: Urban Emotions – Eine interdisziplinäre Schnittstelle zwischen Geoinformatik und räumlicher Planung. GIS.Science(1), pp. 11–19.

Folz, S., Provo, L., Zeile, P. (2015). Track me if you plan – Smartphonebasierte Untersuchung urbaner Aktivitätsmuster. In: Vereinigung für Stadt-, Regional- und Landesplanung SRL e.V. (Hg.): Planerin 6/2015. Berlin. 2015.


Höffken, S.; Wilhelm, J.; Groß, D.; Bergner, B. S.; Zeile, P.: EmoCycling – Analysen von Radwegen mittels Humansensorik und Wearable Computing. In: Real Corp Proceedings 2014. Wien, pp. 851–860.

Zeile, P.; Resch, B.; Exner, J.-P.; Sagl, G.; Summa, A.: Urban Emotions – Kontextuelle Emotionsinformationen für die Räumliche Planung auf Basis von Echtzeit- Humansensorik und Crowdsourcing-Ansätzen. In: Josef Strobl, Thomas Blaschke, Gerald Griesebner und Bernhard Zagel (Hg.): Angewandte Geoinformaitk – Beiträge zum. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg. Salzburg, pp. 664–669.


Streich, B.; Zeile, P., Höffken, S., Exner, J-P.: Menschen als “smarte Sensoren”? – Neue Möglichkeiten für die Stadtplanung, in Junkernheinrich, M.; Ziegler, K. (Hrsg.): Räume im Wandel – Empirie und Politk. Springer VS Verlag. Berlin. 2013.

Zeile, P., Exner, J.-P., Bergner, B. S., Streich, B.: Humansensorik und Kartierung von Emotionen in der räumlichen Planung, Peer reviewed Proceedings Digital Landscape Architecture 2013. Wichmann, Berlin. pp.129-141.

Bergner, B.; Exner, J.-P.; Memmel, M.; Raslan, R.; Taha, D.; Talal, M.; Zeile, P.: Human Sensory Assessment Linked with Geo- and Mobile-Data Processing Methods in Urban Planning Exemplified on Different Planning Cultures in Germany and Egypt, Proceedings of CUPUM Conferece 2013, Utrecht.

Bergner, B.; Exner, J.-P.; Memmel, M.; Raslan, R.; Taha, D.; Talal, M.; Zeile, P.: The Use of Human Sensory Assessment Methods in Urban Planning – Case Studies in Germany ans Egypt, RealCORP 2013.


Exner, J.-P.; Bergner, B.; Zeile, P.; Broschart, D.: Humansensorik in der räumlichen Planung, in: Beiträge zum 24. AGIT-Symposium Salzburg.